last changes: 07.01.2021
Monography and book chapters |
S.D. Ganichev and W. Prettl
Intense Terahertz Excitation of Semiconductors
Oxford University Press, 2006
ISBN 0198528302
E.L. Ivchenko and S.D. Ganichev
Spin Photogalvanics
in Spin Physics in Semiconductors
ed. M.I. Dyakonov
Springer, 2008
pp. 245-277
ISBN 9783540788195
S.D. Ganichev, M. Trushin, and J. Schliemann
Spin Orientation by electric current
in Handbook of Spin Transport and Magnetism
eds. E.Y. Tsymbal and I. Zutic
Chapman & Hall 2020
pp. 317-338
ISBN: 9780429805264
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V.V. Bel'kov and S.D. Ganichev
Zero-bias spin separation
in Handbook of Spintronic Semiconductors
eds. W.M. Chen and I.A. Buyanova
Pan Stanford Publishing, 2009
pp. 243-265
ISBN 9814267368 |
S.D. Ganichev, M. Trushin, and J. Schliemann
Spin Orientation by electric current
in Handbook of Spin Transport and Magnetism
eds. E.Y. Tsymbal and I. Zutic
Chapman & Hall 2011 (extended second edition 2016)
pp. 487-497
ISBN 1439803773 |
E.L. Ivchenko and S.D. Ganichev
Spin Photogalvanics
in Spin Physics in Semiconductors (second edition)
ed. M.I. Dyakonov
Springer, 2018
pp. 281-328
ISBN 9783319654362
| | |
S.D. Ganichev
Spin-galvanic effect and spinorientation induced circular photogalvanic effect in QW structures
in series Advances in Solid State Physics, Vol. 43
ed. B. Kramer
Springer, 2003
pp. 427-442
ISBN 9783540401506
S.D. Ganichev, K.Yu. Gloukh, I.N. Kotel'nikov, N.A. Mordovets, A.Ya. Shul'man, and I.D. Yaroshetskii
Fast point detector of submillimeter radiation (p. 567),
and E.V. Beregulin, S.D. Ganichev, K.Yu. Gloukh, G.M. Gusev, Z.D. Kvon, M.Yu. Martisov, A.Ya. Shik, I.D. Yaroshetskii,
Rapid submillimeter photoconductivity and energy relaxation of a two-dimensional electron gas near the surface of silicon (p. 382)
in Best of Soviet Semiconductor Physics and Technology (1989-1990)
eds. M. Levinstein and M. Shur
World Scientific, 1995
ISBN 9810215797
E.V. Beregulin, S.D. Ganichev, Sh.M. Kogan, A.Ya. Shik, and I.S. Shlimak
Intraband photoconductivity
in Physics Encyclopedia Vol. 5 ed. A. M. Prochorov (Scientific Edition of the Large Russian
Encyclopedia 1995) pp. 355-357. ISBN: 5-85270-101-7 |